28 research outputs found

    Explorando as crenças sobre o ensino dos esportes: abordagem da mudança conceitual na formação inicial

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    The study analyzed the change in beliefs of an undergraduate student about sports teaching during her initial training in Physical Education at a public university in southern Brazil. In this qualitative, descriptive, and interpretive longitudinal study, the unique case of an undergraduate student was investigated, based on semi-structured interview procedures, systematic observation, memory stimulation and Content analysis technique. The results revealed that throughout her initial training, the undergraduate student changed her beliefs related to the purposes, strategies, and organization of content through different processes of conceptual change. This evidence shows that professional learning, comprehensive from the perspective of conceptual change, is an active, long, slow, and gradual process that involves a continuous revision of beliefs.El estúdio analizó el cambio de creencias de un estudiante de posgrado sobre la enseñanza del deporte durante la formación inicial en Educación Física en una universidad pública del sur de Brasil. En este estudio longitudinal, cualitativo, de carácter descriptivo e interpretativo, se investigó el caso único de un estudiante, con base em procedimientos de entrevista semiestructurada, observación sistemática, estimulación de la memoria y técnica. Contenido Análisis. Los resultados revelaron que durante la formación inicial, los estudiantes cambiaron sus creencias relacionadas con los propósitos, estrategias y organización del contenido, a través de diferentes procesos de cambio conceptual. Esta evidencia muestra que el aprendizaje profesional, entendido desde la perspectiva del cambio conceptual, es un proceso activo, largo, lento y gradual, que implica la revisión continua de creencias.O estudo analisou a mudança de crenças de uma graduanda sobre o ensino dos esportes ao longo da formação inicial em Educação Física, em uma universidade pública do sul do Brasil. Neste estudo qualitativo, longitudinal, de caráter descritivo e interpretativo, investigou-se o caso único de uma graduanda, a partir de procedimentos de entrevista semiestruturada, observação sistemática, estimulação de memória e a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram que, ao longo da formação inicial, a graduanda modificou suas crenças relacionadas aos propósitos, estratégias e organização do conteúdo, por meio de diferentes processos de mudança conceitual. Essas evidências mostram que a aprendizagem profissional, compreendida na perspectiva da mudança conceitual, é um processo ativo, longo, lento e gradual, que envolve a revisão contínua de crenças


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    Objective: To promote the importance of nurses and their health in the face of the covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is a qualitative, descriptive research of integrative literature review in the databases. Result: Initially, a total of 31 articles were filtered and selected, available in full, in English and Portuguese, published from 2020 on.  However, 4 were duplicated and 10 were excluded by the title and abstract, because they did not contemplate the proposed revision. Therefore, a total of 17 articles were selected in this review. Discussion: Mental health of nurses in the face of covid-19 and Biosafety in times of pandemic. Conclusion: The work process often has excessive mental, mental and physical load of the nursing professional, some with extremely tiring workloads that overlap and potentiate during the work of the team.Objetivo: Promover la importancia de las enfermeras y su salud frente a la pandemia de covid-19. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva de la revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases de datos. Resultado: Inicialmente, se filtraron y seleccionaron un total de 31 artículos, disponibles en su totalidad, en inglés y portugués, publicados a partir de 2020.  Sin embargo, 4 fueron duplicados y 10 fueron excluidos por el título y el resumen, porque no contemplaban la revisión propuesta. Por lo tanto, un total de 17 artículos fueron seleccionados en esta revisión. Discusión: Salud mental de las enfermeras frente al covid-19 y Bioseguridad en tiempos de pandemia. Conclusión: El proceso de trabajo muchas veces tiene una carga mental, mental y física excesiva del profesional de enfermería, algunos con cargas de trabajo extremadamente agotadoras que se superponen y potencian durante el trabajo del equipo.Objetivo: Colocar em prol a importância do enfermeiro e sua saúde diante a pandemia do covid-19. Metodologia: Trata-se  de  uma  pesquisa  qualitativa,  descritiva  de  revisão  integrativa  de  literatura  nas  bases  de  dados. Resultado: Inicialmente  foram  filtrados  e  selecionados  no  total  de  31  artigos,  disponíveis  na  íntegra,  nos  idiomas  inglês  e português,  publicados  a  partir  do  ano  de  2020.  Entretanto,  4 encontravam-se  duplicados  e  10  foram  excluídos  pelo  título  e resumo, por não contemplarem a revisão proposta. Portanto, foram selecionados nesta presente revisão um total de 17 artigos. Discussão: Saúde mental do enfermeiro diante do covid-19 e Biossegurança em tempos de pandemia. Conclusão: O processo de trabalho muitas vezes tem excessiva carga mental, psíquica e física do profissional de Enfermagem, alguns com cargas de trabalho extremamente cansativas que se sobrepõem e se potencializam durante o trabalho da equipe

    A responsabilidade da enfermagem frente aos cuidados e promoção do aleitamento materno

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    Objective: To analyze what has been published about the nursing responsibility towards the care and promotion of breastfeeding. Method: This is a qualitative research, which sought to discuss studies in the field of nursing that contemplated the theme focused on breastfeeding, carried out on the Virtual Health Library (VHL) portal, being: Latin American and Caribbean Science Literature (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and Nursing Database (BDENF). Results and discussion: Initially, a total of 26 articles were filtered and selected, available in full, in English and Portuguese. However, 4 were duplicates and 10 were excluded by title and abstract, as they did not include the proposed revision. Therefore, a total of 12 articles were selected in this review. Final considerations: The research aims to analyze the care provided by nurses to the care provided in promoting breastfeeding.  Objetivo: Analizar lo publicado sobre la responsabilidad de la enfermería hacia el cuidado y promoción de la lactancia materna. Método: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, que buscó discutir estudios en el campo de la enfermería que contemplaran la temática enfocada a la lactancia materna, realizada en el portal de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), siendo: Literatura Científica Latinoamericana y Caribeña (LILACS), Sistema de análisis y recuperación de literatura médica en línea (MEDLINE), Biblioteca electrónica científica en línea (SciELO) y Base de datos de enfermería (BDENF). Resultados y discusión: Inicialmente, se filtraron y seleccionaron un total de 26 artículos, disponibles en su totalidad, en inglés y portugués. Sin embargo, 4 eran duplicados y 10 fueron excluidos por título y resumen, ya que no incluían la revisión propuesta. Por lo tanto, en esta revisión se seleccionaron un total de 12 artículos. Consideraciones finales: la investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la atención que brindan las enfermeras a la atención brindada en la promoción de la lactancia materna.  Objetivo: Analisar o que se tem publicado acerca da responsabilidade de enfermagem frente aos cuidados e promoção do aleitamento materno. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, no qual buscou discutir estudos no campo da enfermagem que contemplassem a temática voltada para aleitamento materno, realizada no portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), sendo: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), e Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF). Resultados e discussão: Inicialmente foram filtrados e selecionados no total de 26 artigos, disponíveis na íntegra, nos idiomas inglês e português. Entretanto, 4 encontravam-se duplicados e 10 foram excluídos pelo título e resumo, por não contemplarem a revisão proposta. Portanto, foram selecionados nesta presente revisão um total de 12 artigos. Considerações finais: A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar assistência do enfermeiro diante aos cuidados prestados na promoção do aleitamento materno.  Objetivo: Analisar o que se tem publicado acerca da responsabilidade de enfermagem frente aos cuidados e promoção do aleitamento materno. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, no qual buscou discutir estudos no campo da enfermagem que contemplassem a temática voltada para aleitamento materno, realizada no portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), sendo: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), e Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF). Resultados e discussão: Inicialmente foram filtrados e selecionados no total de 26 artigos, disponíveis na íntegra, nos idiomas inglês e português. Entretanto, 4 encontravam-se duplicados e 10 foram excluídos pelo título e resumo, por não contemplarem a revisão proposta. Portanto, foram selecionados nesta presente revisão um total de 12 artigos. Considerações finais: A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar assistência do enfermeiro diante aos cuidados prestados na promoção do aleitamento materno. &nbsp

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Pathogenic potential and septic character of the Escherichia coli by identification of virulence factors iss and felA from cellulitis and offal of broiler by Sanitary Inspection

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    ABSTRACT. Vieira T.B., Pereira V.L.A., Franco R.M., do Nascimento E.R., Silva R. de C.F. & Tortelly R. [Pathogenic potential and septic character of the Escherichia coli by identification of virulence factors iss and felA from cellulitis and offal of broiler by Sanitary Inspection.] Potencial patogênico e caráter séptico de Escherichia coli pela identificação dos fatores de virulência iss e felA em celulite e miúdos de frangos sob Inspeção Sanitária. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(2):144-152, 2014. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário de Sinop, Avenida Alexandre Ferronato, 1200, Setor Industrial, Sinop, MT 78557367, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Brazil is the third largest chicken producer and first in exports of broiler meat. Skin lesions such as avian cellulitis are becoming increasingly frequent in large-scale production due to premises type and management of broilers, leading to total or partial condemnation at slaughter throughout the world. In this study, we used 51 broilers with typical lesions of cellulitis, diagnosed by Sanitary Inspection. Recovery of Escherichia coli strains from cellulitis lesions and offal (liver and heart) from studied broilers established the of septic characteristic of the isolates. These E. coli isolates were tested by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the genes of the virulence factors responsible for adhesion (F11 fimbria-felA) and serum resistance (iss). The cellulitis at inspection was characterized as skin ulcer, being eight with skin thickening, color changes tending to reddish-yellow, and irregular skin surface. At cutting, gelatinous fluid and yellowish patches were seen, in some cases, with involvement of the adjacent musculature. E. coli was isolated from 50 broilers, being 19, from cellulitis, 11 from cellulitis and liver, five from cellulitis and heart, 14, from cellulitis, liver and heart, and one only from liver and heart. E. coli isolates were recovered from 96% of cellulitis, 50.98% from liver and 41.17% from the heart samples. There was no significant association between cellulitis lesion size and E. coli rate of recovery from cellulitis and offal (liver and heart) by chi-square test (p> 0.05). Of 190 E. coli isolates from the 51 studied broilers, 59.47% were positive for iss gene and 4.2% for the felA gene. The recovery of E. coli from cellulitis and offal strengthen the idea that the partial removal of cellulitis lesions at slaughter only minimizes the repulsive aspect of the carcass which turns out to be more aesthetic than hygienic, not contributing to poultry products safeness


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    A população que apresenta ensino superior nos países desenvolvidos é maior que nos países em desenvolvimento, um dado indicador do avanço tecnológico e do desenvolvimento de um país.  O Brasil está acima da média mundial, com uma taxa de 30% de escolarização superior, à frente dos países em desenvolvimento, porém longe da média dos países desenvolvidos. Para reverter este cenário o governo brasileiro tem investido em infraestrutura e em políticas de ampliação do acesso e permanência no ensino superior. Porém, fatores como a falta de informação e a desmotivação, em especial dos alunos de baixa renda, são barreiras a estas ações. Partindo desta análise o grupo PET “A Difusão do Pensamento Científico como Ferramenta para a Cidadania” foi às escolas de Ouro Branco – MG, para desenvolver o projeto “Diálogos sobre o que Significa Cursar Engenharia”, realizando palestras informativas e motivacionais para alunos do último ano do ensino médio, com intuito de impulsioná-los na busca de seus ideais. Nos três anos em que foi realizado o projeto, os alunos do ensino médio foram questionados sobre seu interesse em cursar o ensino superior. A maioria afirmou querer ingressar em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior e muitos desejam complementar os estudos com uma pós-graduação. No entanto, até 40% dos estudantes do noturno tem preferência pelo curso técnico, ou desejam apenas concluir o ensino médio. Observou-se ainda elevada autoconfiança nos alunos de escolas particulares e o sentimento de auto-exclusão dos alunos da rede pública. Estas análises confirmam a necessidade de uma divulgação qualificada do ensino superior público. Abstract: The population with higher education in developed countries is greater than in developing countries. Such index represents the technological advancement and the development of a country. Brazil is above the world average, with a rate of 30% of its population with higher education, ahead of developing countries, but far from the average of the developed ones. To reverse this scenario, the Brazilian government has invested in infrastructure by expanding the access and the permanence policies in higher education. However, factors such as lack of information and motivation are barriers to these actions, particularly for low-income students. By taking into account this perspective, the  PET group, a tutorial education program, "The Diffusion of Scientific Thought as a Tool for Citizenship" visited schools in the municipality of Ouro Branco, in the State of Minas Gerais, to develop the project "Dialogues on Studying Engineering". This initiative has as its main objective to deliver informative and motivational lectures to the students of the last year of high school by at promoting the pursuit of their ideals. In the three years the project took place high school students were asked about their interest in pursuing a higher education. Most answered that wanted to enter a Higher Education Institution and many wished to supplement their studies with a post-graduate degree. On the other hand, up to 40% of the students in the evening period intended to take technical courses, or just want to finish high school. Furthermore, high self-confidence in students of private schools and the feeling of self-exclusion of public school students were observed. These analyzes confirm the need for publicizing public higher education. Keywords: High School National Exam, Public University, role of the engineer. El análisis del nivel de conocimiento y la motivación de los estudiantes de secundaria hacia la educación superior: Proyecto “Diálogos acerca de qué significa Estudiar Ingeniería” Resumen: La población con educación superior en los países desarrollados es mayor que en los países en desarrollo, un índice de avance tecnológico y de desarrollo del país. Brasil está arriba del promedio mundial, con una tasa del 30% de la educación superior, delante de los países en desarrollo, pero muy lejos del promedio de los países desarrollados. Para revertir esta situación, el gobierno brasileño ha invertido en infraestructura y en políticas de ampliación del acceso y permanencia en la educación superior. Sin embargo, factores como la falta de información y la desmotivación son barreras a estas acciones, especialmente para los estudiantes de bajos ingresos. A partir de este análisis, el grupo de PET "la difusión del pensamiento científico como herramienta para la Ciudadanía" visitó las escuelas del municipio de Ouro Branco, Estado de Minas Gerais/Brasil, para desarrollar el proyecto "Diálogos acerca de qué significa estudiar Ingeniería", dictando palestras y charlas motivacionales a los estudiantes del último año de la escuela secundaria, con el objetivo de impulsarlos en la búsqueda de sus ideales. En los tres años en que el proyecto fue llevado a cabo, a los estudiantes de secundaria se les preguntó sobre su interés en ingresar a la educación superior. La mayoría respondió que quería unirse a una Institución de Educación Superior y muchos deseen complementar sus estudios con un título de postgrado. Sin embargo, hasta un 40% de los estudiantes nocturnos tienen preferencia por un curso técnico, o simplemente quieren terminar la escuela secundaria. Por otra parte, se observaron una alta auto-confianza en los estudiantes de las escuelas privadas y el sentimiento de auto-exclusión de los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas. Estos análisis confirman la necesidad de una divulgación cualificada de la educación superior pública. Palabras-clave: Examen Nacional de la Secundaria, Universidad Pública, el papel del Ingeniero.


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    The population with higher education in developed countries is greater than in developing countries. Such index represents the technological advancement and the development of a country. Brazil is above the world average, with a rate of 30% of its population with higher education, ahead of developing countries, but far from the average of the developed ones. To reverse this scenario, the Brazilian government has invested in infrastructure by expanding the access and the permanence policies in higher education. However, factors such as lack of information and motivation are barriers to these actions, particularly for low-income students. By taking into account this perspective, the  PET group, a tutorial education program, "The Diffusion of Scientific Thought as a Tool for Citizenship" visited schools in the municipality of Ouro Branco, in the State of Minas Gerais, to develop the project "Dialogues on Studying Engineering". This initiative has as its main objective to deliver informative and motivational lectures to the students of the last year of high school by at promoting the pursuit of their ideals. In the three years the project took place high school students were asked about their interest in pursuing a higher education. Most answered that wanted to enter a Higher Education Institution and many wished to supplement their studies with a post-graduate degree. On the other hand, up to 40% of the students in the evening period intended to take technical courses, or just want to finish high school. Furthermore, high self-confidence in students of private schools and the feeling of self-exclusion of public school students were observed. These analyzes confirm the need for publicizing public higher education.</p


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    The population with higher education in developed countries is greater than in developing countries. Such index represents the technological advancement and the development of a country. Brazil is above the world average, with a rate of 30% of its population with higher education, ahead of developing countries, but far from the average of the developed ones. To reverse this scenario, the Brazilian government has invested in infrastructure by expanding the access and the permanence policies in higher education. However, factors such as lack of information and motivation are barriers to these actions, particularly for low-income students. By taking into account this perspective, the  PET group, a tutorial education program, "The Diffusion of Scientific Thought as a Tool for Citizenship" visited schools in the municipality of Ouro Branco, in the State of Minas Gerais, to develop the project "Dialogues on Studying Engineering". This initiative has as its main objective to deliver informative and motivational lectures to the students of the last year of high school by at promoting the pursuit of their ideals. In the three years the project took place high school students were asked about their interest in pursuing a higher education. Most answered that wanted to enter a Higher Education Institution and many wished to supplement their studies with a post-graduate degree. On the other hand, up to 40% of the students in the evening period intended to take technical courses, or just want to finish high school. Furthermore, high self-confidence in students of private schools and the feeling of self-exclusion of public school students were observed. These analyzes confirm the need for publicizing public higher education.</p